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Affiliated to King George's Medical University (KGMU), U.P
Recognised by Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi, Approved by U.P. Nurse & Midwives Council, Govt. of U.P.
Final Selected Candidate of GNM (LIST - 5) for Fee Submission
Final Selected Candidate of GNM (LIST - 4) for Fee Submission
Final Selected Candidate of GNM (LIST - 3) for Fee Submission
Final Selected Candidate of GNM (LIST - 2) for Fee Submission
Final Selected Candidate of GNM (LIST - 1) for Fee Submission
Final Candidates List for Medical Examination (GNM 2024)
Selected Candidates List for Medical Examination (GNM 2024)
Result for the GNM Entrance Examination for the session 2024-25
Download GNM Prospectus 2024
GNM Tentative Schedule 2024
Final Selected Candidate of GNM (LIST - 5) for Fee Submission
Final Selected Candidate of GNM (LIST - 4) for Fee Submission
Final Selected Candidate of GNM (LIST - 3) for Fee Submission
Final Selected Candidate of GNM (LIST - 2) for Fee Submission
Final Selected Candidate of GNM (LIST - 1) for Fee Submission
Final Candidates List for Medical Examination (GNM 2024)
GNM Advertisement 2024
GNM Prospectus 2024
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GNM Tentative Schedule 2024
Anti Ragging Cell
Every student shall conduct herself in accordance with and for the fulfillment of her declaration in her application for admission in the School of Nursing to the effect that she sincerely believes in the Basic Principles of the Institution, that care for services of humanity at large, without any distinction of religion, race, colour, caste, or creed, with complete dedication, love and as much renunciation and sacrifice as possible, as worship of God and advancement of her spiritual powers, and in furtherance of this objective she:-
  • Shall abide by and obediently maintain discipline in the School, hostel, and Hospital as well as outside when permitted to go out.
  • Shall be strictly punctual in studies, recreation and work and shall pass her life in purity in the hostel, the hospital and the outside world.
  • Shall pursue her studies, theoretical and practical, faithfully and obediently with interest, and diligence, both in the classrooms as well as in the hospital.
  • Shall abstain from anything deleterious or mischievous.
  • Shall not take herself or administer to anyone else any drug which may be harmful.
  • Shall learn and acquire patients' bedside manners and ethics and shall never lose temper and shall do everything in her power to observe, follow and maintain the standards of the profession of Nursing.
  • Shall keep secret and confidential all personal matters or affairs of patients and his/her family matters which may be confided to her or may come to her knowledge in, or in connection with the practice of Nursing.
  • Shall loyally render all possible help and assist the doctor.
  • Shall devote herself faithfully with love, tenderness and sympathy to the welfare of patients committed to her care as nurse.
  • Shall see to it that the patients committed to her care, their relatives or visitors are not made to incur and do not on their own accord incur any expense or service, or obtain service or concession, in connection with the College, the hostel, or the Hospital, WHICH IS NOT LEGAL OR ETHICAL.
  • Shall honour faithfully and shall try to fulfill all the aims and objectives enumerated in Section 5.
  • Shall learn to be courteous to the patients and their visitors.
  • Shall not organise unauthorised meetings or assemblies
    within the hostel premises or undertake collection of Union Subscription. Collection of any money for any other purpose also cannot be done without prior permission from the Principal in writing.
  • Shall refrain from unruly behaviour, defiance, and/or disobedience of lawful instructions and/or order of the superiors. Such behaviour will expose a boarder for disciplinary action which includes removal from the School. Decision of the Secretary will be final and binding in all cases.
  • Shall refrain from damaging hostel or Hospital properties, misuse of water and electricity causing wasteful expenditure. In the event of any breach thereof, the cost will be recovered from the erring student.
Breach of any of the foregoing shall attract disciplinary action.
The candidates as well as their parents, at the time of admission of the students to the School will be required to furnish an undertaking in the form of an affidavit that the student shall not participate in any form of ragging, strike etc. If found guilty, the School may take appropriate action against the erring students.